Using ITAP

Example 1: From the lecture on image and text I learnt about how context and meaning can be created or changed when adding text into an image.

I added text to this image to create more meaning as I felt it reflected the theme of street art and added a stronger message through the words.

Principle 2: “Draw by hand” I incorporated this into my RVJ as I felt it was important to communicate on the page and after the lecture learnt that drawing along the way helped to visualise ideas as you create them.

Principle 3- Also in the graphics lecture, I chose to look at legibility. The lecture mainly focused on how to insure your text was legible and notes on sizes and that you must thing of where the piece would be and who needs to be able to see it from what distance? However I particularly liked David Carson from the lecture and how he pushed the boundaries on legibility. It particularly fit into the theme of our magazine and helped us build a brand at the early stages. Above is an example in my RVJ.

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