ITAP L4 – 02.10.12 Development of the creative thought & structure in illustration & graphic art.

Restating problems

Visual communication is all about solving problems, as the artist/designer you have to have the confidence to imaginatively solve these problems from different angles and different solutions.

You can create the answer to a visual problem a new interesting way if you defy the conventional rules.

Renewing your approach gives you more options for the final solution. Examples to help you renew the problem are trigger words- which can be found in a book or magazine possibly related to the subject and asking what does this trigger suggest regarding the problem?

I could apply this to my own work by creating lists of initial ideas, then using the ones though about later on as they are not the first safer choices you go too. Also from looking at this piece of work by Yuko Shimizu I could mix media in my own work to create new solutions- crossing different disciplines to create fresh new ideas.

I could cross the images of birmingham i have taken in photos and cross them with the illustrations.

Creative environment

The environment you work in can influence your state of mind and your work.

Build a reservoir of creative materials to help inspire you- postcards, doodles, clippings.
I make small journals with papers and small imagery i keep but to create a creative environment I could display these more so that they aren’t shut away.

Also keep rearranging things so that they don’t just become part of the background and become engaging.

I chose this as an example as they have surrounded themselves with influences on the walls and gave themselves a desk to work at. Also the colours are calming and neutral to help the mind be in a relaxed state.



I also looked at this creative environment as it has a lot of materials near by which is important. Such as having the paintbrushes, and different media available to you in your creative environment. Also there are lots of books and reference material near by to help inspire, and influence new ideas. I also like that it is by a window too as I personally find it easier to work with daylight and outdoors near by.

From this lecture i have been inspired to bring new elements into my work, to take more risks and mix up media. Also to provide myself with a creative environment, surrounded by books and materials to help influence my work.

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